The Secret Service smelled out a plot to assassinate the President.
" Perhaps the Wolf will smell us out and bring us news, " said the Witch.
That's why there's so many smells out there that some people love and others can't stand.
Hmm, there's a funny smell out here.
It means that there is a strange smell out here.
They use dogs trained to smell out explosives.
There is a weird smell out here.
There was no chance of them being 'smelled out'.
We finally got that Gideon smell out of the carpet.
Hey, what's that stink I smell out there? It's Manny!
He's out while she's home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet.
他在头乱搞女人 而她却待家里设法去地毯上乳齿象的味道。
Are you gonna clean that dead body smell out of the ladies' room?
There's a smell out here and I don't recognize it.
If you care to see and smell those lovely things out yonder, she'll show them to you.
如果你想看看和闻到面那些可爱的东西, 她会带你去的。
There's definitely a funny smell out here.
Now, there are a lot of smells out there, more than our 400 or so odor receptors can detect.
现在, 面有很多气味,超过我们 400 种左右的气味感受器可以检测到的气味。
It had an open screen that let in a lazy trickle of air that never quite swept the cooking smell out.
它有一个打开的屏幕, 让一股懒洋洋的空气流进来, 但从未完全清烹饪气味。
" Those who are good with their noses must come in front with us lions to smell out where the battle is. Look lively and sort yourselves."
Crespi's smell of lavender at dusk and rescue Rebeca from her slough of misery, not out of hatred or out of love but because of the measureless understandingof solitude.
克雷斯皮在黄昏时散发出薰衣草的香味, 将丽贝卡从苦难的泥潭中解救出来,这不是出于仇恨或爱意, 而是因为对孤独的无限理解。
And he fixed the window for about one and a half minutes, and I was cleaning the floor for about two hours to get this stinky foot smell out after.
As a Romanian bank clerk in Atlanta puts it, to find a good job " you have to be like a wolf in the forest — able to smell out the best meat."